
High Brightness Projector Technology Update Feedback Form

Please specify the top 3 business segments that are your primary areas of expertise.(Required)
0-25%26%-50%51%-70%70% & above
LED Wall
Video Wall
High Brightness Projector
Following from Q1, kindly specify the Indoor Visual Display brand that you are carrying now:(Required)

Image Quality
Installation and Maintenance
Energy Efficiency
Flexibility and Versatility
Screen Size

Future Considerations

If you are considering a new display technology, which one are you more likely to choose?(Required)
5 - Excellent4 - Good3 - Fair2 - Poor1 - Very Poor
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Sufficient lead time for RSVP upon receiving the invitation
Warmth welcome upon arrival
Welcoming and friendly registration journey
Smooth event agenda
Professional Emcees
Informative Product Sharing
Detailed Product Demonstration
Comfortable seating arrangement
Overall event setting and ambient